seanie blueComment

soul candy

seanie blueComment
soul candy

A Writer in Anxious Times

Soul Candy Cov BW-6736.jpg

“Don’t let them edit you, because you cannot be edited,” says the retired editor, a passing comment I never forget. Readers tell me all the time they are struck sharp by my passions while my friends advise me to submit to publishers and get edited and make tons of money.

This book is for readers who love to read great, passionate writing. I don’t give a toss if it make me a penny. A lot of my friends know how to make money, how to make that shit tessellate. They will think I have thrown away another opportunity with this collection, chasing pennies. My friends do not know how creativity works, so I can only say Ha ha.

Faction by Seanie Blue

The evidence is overwhelming that people who mull over their plans, who procrastinate, are much more likely to produce artwork of originality.

The evidence is overwhelming that people who mull over their plans, who procrastinate, are much more likely to produce artwork of originality.