seanie blueComment


seanie blueComment

Boots Are Coming to Walk You Down

Adapted from the stage musical about the Grimm Brothers by Seanie Blue, Peter Fox and Sandra Bishop, the song "Boots Are Coming" had a 24-hour social media life as a statement about the protests surrounding the murder of George Floyd. The content and Blue's vision for it sparked a dispiriting collapse of unity among the creators of the musical, and Blue was forced to retreat from his emphatic exhortation to poor people to kill the rich, to the astonishment of fans of all three creators. The little tempest was best summed by a Black friend of the creators: "This is what happens when white motherfuckers are too scared to risk their own skins."

H Street every day, no peace without justice.

H Street every day, no peace without justice.

Women at play with the toys of the boys.

Women at play with the toys of the boys.