milk = oil = poison

the very worst of BadTV: 1996-2002​ by Blue & Sandie Black


​PHANTOM PORTRAITS: Metal Talk with Friends & Others

Seanie Blue likes to talk to the people he shoots. Most of his conversations are recorded, and people always have interesting things to say, if they trust you enough to say them. His show of pictures at a new photo collective called 15x100.com are portraits adorned with these conversations. Snippets, maybe, but made of lead. (15x100 flamed out after this posting, but the video lives on at BadTV.)

I’m driving on the coast out of Malibu when Ed calls and is livid that I won’t give him the rights to my script. He tells me I will never eat lunch in Hollywood again.
— Oscar Nominee Will Rokos

the best of SANdiE BlaCK: unknown comic genius thrills Youtube​

From the message left by Black on BadTV's website: "Check out Jay Leno's the Tonight show, today, Friday, March 14th. They will be using part of this clip for some crazy man on the street skit. Hopefully, I won't be as reamed on the show as I have been in the comments section of this video. Periodically, I take this vid down because I get sick of death threats, etc. But, I don't erase those anymore." ​

No, she leaves the videos up now, even with the ridiculous commentary, and the videos regularly surpassed 100,000 views, with several topping the million mark. People yak about putting up vids and making millions of dollars. Well, it doesn't work that way. Blue and Black have totalled over 15 million hits with more than 50 posted videos, and the money from advertising would have been nothing to shout about. Better off waiting tables for a living!​

2.5 million freaking views and counting!​

​This video about a friend losing her virginity to Mick Jagger was a joke and meant as nothing more than a silly exercise for completing an edit for Youtube. Now it's up to 2.5 million views, with almost as many pieces of hate mail to accompany it. Blue shot mesmerising dancer (and Edith Horton expert) Kristina B. as his friend's character, and that's Sandie Black sitting on the floor of the hallway next to Kristina. Shot the piece twice, Kristina acted it perfectly, onto Youtube, and now all these people furious about being conned! The truth is right there in the video; no con. But people will not believe what they cannot afford to believe.

One of the few things you can see on TV that is made by real artists.
— Paloma Picasso, to her hairdresser, about the weekly show BadTV on Warner Cable, NYC.

BadTV does Britney for one million views​

Man, the making of this video got us all into hot water with Youtube and Britney's record company. But we prevailed. In this vid, Britney, played by Sandie Black, makes love and eats ho-hos with her soulmate Kevin, the dancer.

Stoned & Robbed in the Imperial City

Mikey C. gets tagged in the Imperial City, and barely lives to tell his fictional tale. Mikey tells it as only a Charlottesville survivor with a degree in rhetoric can. We licensed this dramatic piece from the former Betapunker and no-budget aesthete.

​Jonelle V. and Horny Rhinos

Black Hole Buddha, the musical from Peter Fox and Seanie Blue. a wild take on an old greek story. Gasoline, bad gas mileage, and other ecocide problems of modern day society also feature in this piece of stream of conscience programming. Lynn Filusch will eat the Oil Executive. Johnny Venus explains sex in a hummer.

Who would have sex with anyone who drives a hummer? That would be very Neanderthal.
— Jonelle Vette
Every time I watch an episode of BadTV I keep telling myself I have to call Blue and get this thing on our shelves. It’s better than 99% of the stuff we carry, and Tower Records is 100% in the mainstream.
— Freddi Szilagi, Regional Manager, Tower records